Proxaut's women: let’s introduce Mrs Vanna Sola

Proxaut's women: let’s introduce Mrs Vanna Sola

For over seven years in Proxaut, Vanna Sola has always dedicated herself to the Purchasing Department within Proxaut and in October 2022, her role as Manager was officially reconfirmed.

The commitment shown in recent years in the management of suppliers and production within the company has made the difference. Many times her contribution has allowed us to carry out unique and highly important projects. Mother and wife, Vanna has always had to juggle work and family, but thanks to Proxaut's "Worklife balance" project, she has always managed to bring the professional and private spheres together. In fact, even before these policies became an object of interest from companies, Proxaut has always been at the side of its employees and collaborators to combine career and private life.


Vanna confirms: “It was not easy to emerge in a world, the one of mechanics and electronics, mainly made up of men”. Over the years things have gotten better and have gradually evolved. Together with the suppliers and my work team, we have built a network of affiliated collaborators who know our products, and who work for Proxaut with dedication and commitment. Creating unique AGVs involves having suppliers capable of making special, ad-hoc, made-to-measure pieces, and therefore it is essential that they are flexible and versatile. The true strength of our vehicles, i.e. the high level of customization, starts and arises from our projects, but this path of uniqueness must be supported by suppliers, without whom we would struggle to give decisive answers to customers".

The present, according to Vanna Sola, is still at times uncertain because the COVID-19 pandemic has definitely changed the world of procurement. She says that there are signs of recovery but surely there are still many components of AGV vehicles that continue to be missing from suppliers' shelves. Even the raw materials that are used to build the custom-designed pieces have been subject to severe delays for months and purchase prices have skyrocketed. It is difficult to establish whether it is all the fault of the conflict in Ukraine or there is also a speculative component of some clever ones, but the reality is really worrying. Vanna confirms that every day you have to work on the purchase lists and that prices have continuous fluctuations, we hope that soon we will return to a more stable situation with constant prices.

“With the new American ownership of the Middleby Corporation, many things are changing, and for the better. We are slowly arriving at a  which will lead to supporting the new orders that will arrive, precisely from the Middleby sphere and from the partner companies that are part of the group. The sales team that now also promotes Proxaut vehicles is already bearing the first fruits…”.

Certainly not easy years are still waiting for us and there will be many changes that will see Proxaut as the protagonist, but surely Vanna will be able to manage her resources in the best possible way, to achieve the goal that every day sees Proxaut as the protagonist: transforming the needs of a customer in an AGV vehicle.

Keep you posted, #KEEPGOING!


Proxaut S.r.l.
Via della Tecnica n. 4 - Piumazzo
Castelfranco Emilia (MO)

Tel. +39 059 934939
Partita IVA 02388920361
Cap. soc. €.800.000,00 i.v.  

ASSOCIATO Confindustria

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