Our driving systems
The PROXAUT AGV vehicles, in line with their applications, use different driving technologies without distinction.
The possibility of providing its customers with the combined driver that uses several systems at the same time, allows us to offer special solutions, for particular situations in which it is more difficult to operate.
Laser guidance offers multiple advantages in terms of path versatility, guiding precision and therefore overall performance. The heart of the system is based on the vehicle's on-board computer and the related control software (Supervisor) developed by PROXAUT. The laser scanner provides the on-board computer with the X and Y coordinates and the direction in which the vehicle is moving.
The inertial guidance system is a course correction odometry system. At a certain defined distance along the path, passive markers or magnets are installed on the floor, which confirm the positioning of the vehicle and allow it to correct its trajectory if necessary. It is also possible to define complex and intersecting paths, with a minimised impact on the final installation.
Proxaut uses wire guidance technology in its AGV vehicles that guarantees excellent performance in situations where the laser or the inertial system struggle to operate, such as high humidity, low temperatures, thermal variations, outdoor applications or obstacles in reading the beam. The guidance system involves the positioning on the floor of conductive wires with low frequency signals.
System employing laser sensors to enable navigation along predefined routes through continuous mapping of the surrounding environment.