Proxaut S.r.l.
Via della Tecnica n. 4 - Piumazzo
Castelfranco Emilia (MO)
Tel. +39 059 934939
Partita IVA 02388920361
Cap. soc. €.800.000,00 i.v.
In November 2023 PROXAUT exhibited for the first time at the GULFOOD fair in Dubai, UAE. From November 5 to 9 at the Dubai World Trade Centre, the biggest players in the food industry gathered to experience the most important event in the MEASA region.
Along with other Middleby Group companies involved in providing technology and equipment for the food sector, Proxaut was represented by its sales staff in order to establish new business networks and expand its market in Arab countries.
The forklift manufacturer from Piumazzo (Modena, Italy) sought to make the most of this opportunity offered by the Middleby stand, also to consolidate its presence in the area where it already boasts excellent references thanks to the AGV equipment installed at its customer INTERNATIONAL ASEPTIC PAPERBOARD MANUFACTURING LLC. in Abu Dhabi (supply of lifters with forks and special designed clamps).
The Automated Guided Vehicles with forks and shuttles (mobile platform vehicles) are capable of transferring goods of all kinds within warehouses and production facilities. They can be used in all sectors although it is the food industry that is Proxaut's own flagship sector.
Under the Middleby main brand, the motto "Innovation becomes SMART and union makes strength!" is fully representative and valid.
Thank you to everyone who visited the booth and meet our Sales staff.
Grazie a tutti coloro che hanno visitato lo stand.
Per maggiori informazioni sul Gruppo Middleby consultare:
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In November 2023 PROXAUT exhibited for the first time at the GULFOOD fair in Dubai, UAE. From November 5 to 9 at the Dubai World Trade Centre, the...
In November 2023 PROXAUT exhibited for the first time at the GULFOOD fair in Dubai, UAE. From November 5 to 9 at the Dubai World Trade Centre, the...
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With the onset of the pandemic, PROXAUT faced the situation by immediately adopting procedures to counter the spread of the virus, investing in the...
Start of the new headquarters project. Since the very founding of PROXAUT, Stefano Ballotti had imagined a cutting-edge and eco-sustainable...
Start of the new headquarters project. Since the very founding of PROXAUT, Stefano Ballotti had imagined a cutting-edge and eco-sustainable...
Proxaut developed in 2013 the first inertial automatic guided vehicle with magnets.
Proxaut developed in 2013 the first inertial automatic guided vehicle with magnets.
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Although not directly affected by the consequences of the various earthquakes of May 2012, Proxaut was at the forefront in addressing the crisis. In...
Proxaut developed the first laser-guided AGV.
Proxaut developed the first laser-guided AGV.
The global financial crisis did not prevent PROXAUT from growing, thanks to its strong roots and its financial robustness. Thus began the process of...
The global financial crisis did not prevent PROXAUT from growing, thanks to its strong roots and its financial robustness. Thus began the process of...
Proxaut developed the first wire-guided AGV.
Proxaut developed the first wire-guided AGV.
In 2005 Proxaut created a new brand that would serve the company until December 2020.
In 2005 Proxaut created a new brand that would serve the company until December 2020.
PROXAUT began to build its reputation with determination and responsibility and started to achieve its first great successes.
PROXAUT began to build its reputation with determination and responsibility and started to achieve its first great successes.
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The start of an important project with a French giant, leader in the glassware market, allowed PROXAUT to make the leap in quality that would allow...
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Proxaut was founded with the aim of building special AGVs. T he company entered the market as a company able to support customers in the...
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Stefano Ballotti, PROXAUT founder, begins to work as a technician in his family’s industry and starts building the first automatic-guided AGV...
Proxaut S.r.l.
Via della Tecnica n. 4 - Piumazzo
Castelfranco Emilia (MO)
Tel. +39 059 934939
Partita IVA 02388920361
Cap. soc. €.800.000,00 i.v.