Proxaut S.r.l.
Via della Tecnica n. 4 - Piumazzo
Castelfranco Emilia (MO)
Tel. +39 059 934939
Partita IVA 02388920361
Cap. soc. €.800.000,00 i.v.
Proxaut, acquired in 2022 By Middleby Group, specializes in the design and development of automatic guided vehicles and shuttles with laser, inertial, wired or combined driving systems for various sectors. The LIFTER and SHUTTLE series with laser -guided or combined driving are the ideal solution to meet customers’ handling and storage needs for indoor and outdoor use. Since 1996, Proxaut is grown and now provides sales and service globally. The 600 AGVs designed, manufactured by Proxaut can connect seamlessly to production lines, robotic islands or packaging lines, allowing different types of products to be handled.
The vehicles and shuttles by Proxaut are the ideal solution for food applications since we offer:
- Highest levels of efficiency and Quality
- Hygiene (main objective in food technology)
- Complying with food industry standards
- Corrosion resistance
- Easily moving even in poor visibility
- Easy use (essential)
- Safety
- Optimisation of costs
- Aesthetics (Italian design)
“We build uniqueness, we value beauty, we care of details, Italian design is our DNA, Excellence is what we look for”
This is PROXAUT,
Visit us: Hall 6, Booth D 024, Middleby Food Processing Area
Secure a free ticket now for all our events, write to Patrizia Ghizzoni or register to our web site: www.proxaut.com
Proxaut is a brand of Middleby Group www.middleby.com
Proxaut S.r.l.
Via della Tecnica n. 4 - Piumazzo
Castelfranco Emilia (MO)
Tel. +39 059 934939
Partita IVA 02388920361
Cap. soc. €.800.000,00 i.v.