Proxaut S.r.l.
Via della Tecnica n. 4 - Piumazzo
Castelfranco Emilia (MO)
Tel. +39 059 934939
Partita IVA 02388920361
Cap. soc. €.800.000,00 i.v.
Innovation and sustainability, collaboration, and progress: these the words represent Anuga FoodTec in 2024. The international trade in Cologne Exhibition Centre once again confirms its central role as the most important supplier trade fair from 19 to 22 March.
This event is a key global meeting point of the industry since it provides a unique hub to show the latest innovations and solutions. Energy efficiency and resource conservation are one of the top themes in 2024. Around 1.307 exhibiting companies from all the world and a total of 40,000 trade visitors coming from more than 133 countries, these are the numbers of this event.
International, innovative, successful: these keywords sum up this major event in which PROXAUT will participate in collaboration with Middleby and other Food Processing brands. Sharing the same booth at the same trade show, is a unique opportunity to strengthen relationships between brands and join business forces.
At this fair, PROXAUT is displaying a stainless-steel vehicle from the SHUTTLE series, magnetic driven and specifically designed for the FOOD PROCESSING industry. The SH series (Shuttles vehicles) includes mobile platform vehicles able to transport goods from a point A to a point B in production and storage departments. Depending on the final application, the AGVs ca be with painted sheets or in AISI 304 food grade stainless steel to operate in food production departments.
In fact, one of the most popular applications in food processing is in “MEAT industry” since automated guided vehicles can move easily inside freezers and cold rooms at temperatures over -20° C and in curing and smoking chambers for instance. These forkless forklifts of the SH series called shuttles, can also be equipped with refrigerated systems to transport frozen food.
Visit us Hall 6.1, booth A050 and B059
More information
Proxaut S.r.l.
Via della Tecnica n. 4 - Piumazzo
Castelfranco Emilia (MO)
Tel. +39 059 934939
Partita IVA 02388920361
Cap. soc. €.800.000,00 i.v.