Proxaut S.r.l.
Via della Tecnica n. 4 - Piumazzo
Castelfranco Emilia (MO)
Tel. +39 059 934939
Partita IVA 02388920361
Cap. soc. €.800.000,00 i.v.
Headquartered in Italy among the Motor Valley and Packaging Valley, two districts worldwide recognized for its passion for engines, mechanical expertise, Proxaut represents a concrete partner with and additional value.
Responding to the specific needs of customers offering targeted expertise which leads to tailor-made solutions is the mission of Proxaut. Caring about the aesthetics and design of the machine and the workplace and employee safety, is always a priority.
Proxaut provides sales and service globally. With hundreds of installations, we support our customers with the right equipment, solutions and software systems to increase their level of automation. Further production support is available through the Middleby worldwide network of brands and representatives after its acquisition in June 2022 by the Middleby Corporation (NASDAQ: MIDD) www.middleby.com
Our AGVs offer concrete solutions to serve more than 30 different sectors (food & beverage, automotive, metal industry, paper & tissue, textile & nonwovens, glass, biomedical & pharmaceutical, packaging, aerospace, pet food, etc… ).
With more than 600 AGVs designed, manufactured and delivered for indoor and outdoor use (no ATEX), with temperatures even below 0°C., our vehicles are fully equipped with the highest safety standards and EU-certified (UL/CSA on request) and they can move easily on many different types of floors.
We meet the requirements of different markets and sectors with our laser-guided or combined driving AGV vehiches. Typically used to lift pallets, our AGVs are the ideal solution to meet customers’ handling and storage needs. We make standard models with front, bilateral and trilateral forks, which can be used in even the tightest spaces (VNA). We make special models, including side-up models, with bucket or forks, AGVs with single rod, double rod, clamp, or a variety of custom designed features.
We increase productivity by automating our customers’ plants with indoor and outdoor AGV Shuttles. These vehicles are the ideal solution to replace traditional fixed transport systems, gaining in flexibility and configuration of the entire production cycle. Equipped with an adaptable and customizable loading platform and different types of covers, they connect seamlessly to production lines, robotic islands or packaging lines, allowing different types of products to be handled.
Proxaut S.r.l.
Via della Tecnica n. 4 - Piumazzo
Castelfranco Emilia (MO)
Tel. +39 059 934939
Partita IVA 02388920361
Cap. soc. €.800.000,00 i.v.